Friday, January 23, 2015

Going where no man has gone before...

We are starting our science unit on the Solar System this week. Brandon has been waiting for this section all year. It is his favorite! I'm also pretty excited because we are doing a more focused study on planets this year and I have some good non-text book activities to work on.

Over a year ago, I bought a solar system puzzle with planet-shaped pieces. The kids are working on that this week and next. I LOVE puzzles, so it is taking all my self control to not work on it too!

I also am excited to take them to the Columbia Space Center - we've never been there before and I think they might have some cool things for us to take a look at!

But, to kick things off, Sophia BEGGED to re-do the OREO lunar models that they did in 3rd grade. So, we tested their memory on the moon...

It was definitely more about the OREOs than the moon, but it was fun and yummy!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Frog Dissection (Warning: Photos Included!)

So, we have good news/bad news. First the bad news, did you hear that one of our fire-bellied toads died? It was an accident, I swear! We moved them into a container for their cricket feeding and one never made it back out alive. It was sad. (And gross!) I think he choked on a cricket...

In any case, Brandon's idea (not mine!) - let's dissect it! So, since everyone was ok with the idea of dissecting the frog, we froze him and set the plan in motion for a day that I WAS NOT GOING TO BE HOME! Oh yes, I can do a lot of things, but dissect a frog is not one of them.

Fernando and the kids did a great job learning about how to properly dissect a frog. He was much smaller than a normal frog you would dissect, but they were able to identify many parts. (I'll spare you the gross cut-open photos!)

Can you guess from the photos who loved it and who didn't? Sophia may be a budding surgeon for all the dissecting she did. She was so fascinated, that she asked Santa for a model of a dog's anatomy for Christmas! (Seeing Santa's face trying to register what the h*ll she was asking for was priceless! HAHA!) 

Brandon, on the other hand, peeked at the process a few times, but spent most of the project shielding the other frog's view so he wouldn't have to see what was happening to his friend. That's our sensitive soul!

And yes, I was the sucker who felt bad for the lonely toad and bought him a new friend last week. If another one dies, I'll be putting on a neighborhood dissection so everyone can come check it out!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

1st world problems

As Fernando would say, I have first world problems: I have educational funds to spend and I don't know how to spend them!

Each year, our kids are given an educational fund account that I can use to buy books/materials for them. I use most of it for music lessons, since I can't teach that.

The school emailed me this last week to let me know that I have to spend the remaining amount of money before February 27th! All of my 4th grade money by then! So, in an effort to not repeat what happened last year (ordered in July, received in October!), I'd like to order my 5th grade materials now. This presents a whole host of questions that need to be answered:
  • Will we homeschool next year?
  • What materials that we used last year do we like and want to continue with?
  • What new materials do we want to try?
  • How much will all the 5th grade curriculum cost?
  • How much will be left over once I buy all the 5th grade stuff?
  • What do I spend that money on now? (It's a use it or lose it kinda thing)
  • Should I order office supplies? Where is the cheapest approved vendor that has the stuff I want? What stuff do I even need? Is my current organizational system sufficient for 2nd year homeschooling? Is there anything that I want to do different?
  • What cool science kits can I order to help us through the rest of the year? What are we even studying in science for the rest of the year?
  • Are there any classes that I should use the money for? More piano classes? Horseback riding? Performing Arts - can I make Sophia's performing arts place a homeschool vendor?
So, you can see that my head is exploding! I am moving forward with the thought that we are homeschooling next year, but I have tasked Fernando with talking to each of the kids individually about the option. Their opinions will help determine our decision. I'm worried that they would not want to hurt my feelings and be honest if they do have any negative feelings, so I'll put the task on him. They may feel more comfortable talking to him, but I think we're a go! We'll keep you updated...