Monday, September 15, 2014

How do you make a parachute for a Toad?

One of the most exciting parts of homeschooling, for the kids, was the promise of a class pet! We had intended on getting new fish for the empty aquarium, but ended up getting a pair of fire-bellied toads! (Because, you can't just have one!)

After our first official day of school was done (organize binders, self-portrait. time zone lesson, 4th grade goals, etc.), we went to the pet store to learn about toad ecosystems and get all of the necessary items to bring these little buggers home!

We got them on a Monday. All was well. They only have to eat every 2-3 days, so we were in the clear until Wednesday. That's when all craziness happened! First, you have to get the crickets dusted with some insect vitamin (think shake and bake) and then you have to get the crickets and meal worms into a small clear container, like the ones you take fish home from the carnival in. Then, like the lady at the pet store said, you just pick them up and put them in the container with the insects for them to eat. EASIER SAID THAN DONE!

One of them like me - he pretty calmly let me pick him up and put him in the container. The other one - not so much! He writhed himself right out of my hand jumped up my arm, out of the cage, onto Sophia and onto the edge of the loft balcony. You know what happens next, right? He jumped right off the balcony down to the first floor! After freaking out and letting go of a few choice words, he was caught, but surprisingly didn't feel like eating much after his adventure. I think I'll need to get a parachute for him!
PS - the kids struggled to think of names for them until we looked up the names of the twins in the How to Train Your Dragon series. So, please welcome Ruffnut and Tuffnut to our family!

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